2025-03-03 12:23:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - Somebody needs to tell the Dems! President Trump is on the march, setting a course for...
Read moreDetails2025-02-24 13:29:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - Think of what the country just went through as government malpractice. America just survived a near-death experience...
Read moreDetails2025-02-17 12:37:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - Ten thousand antisemitic incidents have occurred in America since October 2023. I commenced writing this article on...
Read moreDetails2025-02-10 12:21:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - For the most part, the last 50+ years have been the era of specialists. Whether they...
Read moreDetails2025-02-03 12:46:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - As the first rounds of hostages released by Hamas parade across our TV screens, accompanied...
Read moreDetails2025-01-27 18:59:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - T S Elliot wrote The Hollow Man 100 years ago, in 1925. It encapsulates so...
Read moreDetails2025-01-20 12:36:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - Affirmation now substitutes for accomplishment. Young Western women’s obsession with words of affirmation is killing...
Read moreDetails2025-01-11 13:09:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - Why should we care about North Korea; that’s a question many will ask. Our world is...
Read moreDetails2025-01-04 15:20:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - Few people I know trust our government to be truthful. The reasons can certainly be debated,...
Read moreDetails2024-12-25 17:10:00 - www.1plus1equals2.com - The recent collapse of Syria provides stark evidence that our intelligence apparatus doesn’t know everything...
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