2024-12-09 23:30:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - The acceptance of Shakespeare’s Catholic sympathies and sensibilities animates “Shakespeare: The Magician and the Healer,”...
Read moreDetails2024-12-08 22:00:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - John Milton’s “ancient liberty” is not the liberalism of Thomas Hobbes or John Locke, where...
Read moreDetails2024-12-09 01:11:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - The greatness of the American myth is that it is mostly real. Enough of the...
Read moreDetails2024-12-07 18:01:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Little man, rise up! Flee your preoccupations for a little while. Hide yourself for a...
Read moreDetails2024-12-07 18:02:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Christianity is primarily concerned with teaching us how to turn and open ourselves to receive...
Read moreDetails2024-12-06 21:00:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Now goes under, and I watch it go under, the sunThat will not rise again.Today...
Read moreDetails2024-12-06 21:50:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Historical revisionists have recently disparaged the righteousness of America’s role in World War II, overlooking...
Read moreDetails2024-12-05 17:13:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Everyone has an explanation for the turn of events in November. It’s the economy, the...
Read moreDetails2024-12-04 22:52:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Margaret Ellsberg’s volume contains her own biographical, critical, and indeed spiritual understanding of Gerard Manley...
Read moreDetails2024-12-04 20:30:00 - theimaginativeconservative.org - There is really no “unknown” Mozart these days. For the 225th anniversary of his death...
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