2024-02-05 22:00:38 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Nearly three decades after the Reagan administration ended, several views of the fortieth president—all conflicting—have...
Read moreDetails2024-02-06 00:58:18 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Dieterich Buxtehude might seem at first glance an interesting minor figure, the “man who influenced...
Read moreDetails2024-02-04 22:00:09 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Russell Kirk was aware that others had also claimed the mantle of humanism, but in...
Read moreDetails2024-02-04 23:00:19 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Going back to the first principles of the Founding, one finds that the Founders talked...
Read moreDetails2024-02-03 21:00:04 - theimaginativeconservative.org - The conservative believes that the True, the Good, and the Beautiful are interrelated, and that...
Read moreDetails2024-02-03 22:28:12 - theimaginativeconservative.org - The friar has come a long way from the young man he was when he...
Read moreDetails2024-02-03 00:00:12 - theimaginativeconservative.org - “Neither she nor anyone else could have imagined how birth control would also contribute to...
Read moreDetails2024-02-03 00:01:33 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Felix Mendelssohn, for all his amazing versatility, is now remembered by a tiny handful of...
Read moreDetails2024-02-01 22:00:37 - theimaginativeconservative.org - The protagonist of the film “Groundhog Day” discovers that what makes life worth living is...
Read moreDetails2024-02-02 01:20:56 - theimaginativeconservative.org - J.R.R. Tolkien believed that fairy-stories hold up a mirror to man, showing us ourselves. The...
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