2023-11-30 23:49:09 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Converts are neither perfect nor infallible. But our experiences for good and for ill are...
Read moreDetails2023-11-29 22:00:30 - theimaginativeconservative.org - In Western society we are so immersed in and surrounded by the philosophy of modernism,...
Read moreDetails2023-11-30 00:05:18 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Macbeth loses his head and soul in the unknowing clouds of his own sin-deceived ego....
Read moreDetails2023-11-28 21:00:45 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Since the Renaissance, Christopher Dawson feared, Western culture and society had embraced an arrogant form...
Read moreDetails2023-11-29 01:46:14 - theimaginativeconservative.org - In “The Conservative Mind,” Russell Kirk, the father of American modern conservatism, said plainly that...
Read moreDetails2023-11-28 11:00:43 - theimaginativeconservative.org - At The Imaginative Conservative, we seek to preserve the American Republic and the Western Tradition, while working and praying for...
Read moreDetails2023-11-27 21:00:04 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Despite their obscurity, “The Rape of Lucrece” and “Venus and Adonis” were Shakespeare’s best-sellers. But...
Read moreDetails2023-11-27 22:00:50 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Thomas Sowell is quite content to make his case while he waits for the political...
Read moreDetails2023-11-26 20:00:50 - theimaginativeconservative.org - The more religious I am the happier I am. But I actually argue that there...
Read moreDetails2023-11-26 18:00:36 - theimaginativeconservative.org - Tchaikovsky’s First Symphony is a delight: fresh, assured and just plain fun to listen to. The...
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