2020-06-27 11:56:04 - thebohemianconservative.com - Tom Wolfe’s Back To Blood in a post-Floyd world …if the mutts start growling, snarling,...
Read moreDetails2020-06-30 09:50:43 - thebohemianconservative.com - a newspoem
Read moreDetails2020-07-04 13:27:47 - thebohemianconservative.com - Reading Harold Bloom’s ‘Iago: The Strategies of Evil’ in the midst of 2020 Having known...
Read moreDetails2020-07-29 18:15:42 - thebohemianconservative.com - In two days time, I’m going home. Unless my flight is cancelled … again. Or...
Read moreDetails2020-08-05 02:53:44 - thebohemianconservative.com - I’ve been in mandatory quarantine in Sydney, Australia for the past four nights. It is...
Read moreDetails2020-12-09 00:36:37 - thebohemianconservative.com - A review of The Meursault Investigation by Kamel Daoud (trans. John Cullen) Much as I...
Read moreDetails2022-04-03 06:45:24 - thebohemianconservative.com - Essays of T.S. Eliot I studied Eliot as an undergraduate, and not once was his...
Read moreDetails2022-12-10 00:08:17 - thebohemianconservative.com - “…to redeem the race, he must make himself once more manifest; HE MUST COME IN...
Read moreDetails2023-01-11 08:41:39 - thebohemianconservative.com - Non-fiction by Micheal Foster and Dominic Bnonn Tennant Preaching to the converted, and converting the...
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